Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A thought I can't shake

I don't want to be too deep. At least not over the internet. But this is a thought that has been going through my brain for some time. So, here it is...
Do you ever wonder what's going through peoples' minds. I mean what is the thought process that goes through peoples minds that causes them to do somethings. I honestly think that there are billions of people in this world that never pre-think a plan of action or a word coming out of his or her mouth or a decision made.
Now I'm not the innocent of innocents and none of us are but there some things done this world that even if I had a millions years and hundreds of resources I could never come to the same conclusion that people in this world came to, will come to, are coming to. And truly it ranges from every level from the silly and minor (I think I'll drink this milk even though it looks chunky and smells bad) to the serious and major (9-11).
What's interesting to me is that there are lots and lots and even more answers out there. And lots of people are giving answers to big quanders. We're offering answers as to why we're at war, why rachel and ross took so long to get back together, why the ozone is disappearing around us, why I'm too big to play in the balls at McDonalds, etc. But I think a major problem with this is even after we give an answer there are still so many more questions that we as humans choose to typical ignore or we look past them or we put them on a back burner or we get so self focused that we actually never even know they are there such as did we ever really know the question...where did the answer really come from...who's right...who's wrong...how many possible answers are there...who does this hurt...where does this lead us...how will we get there...how long will it take.
Do I have a solution to my questions or this thought process? No...because then everyone and their mom would be calling my house looking for answers. But I still wonder how we got to where we are...in some places...why we stay there...will it ever change?


sbukosky said...

Even though my logic is infallible, people still come to different conclusions. Oh, what a better world it would be if everyone thought as I do.

KendiT said...

Wow, that's a lot of links. Are not we all wondering why people do what they do? I mean, I wonder about why I did some things even only a few minutes after I did them. I think people should come with instruction manuals to explain ourselves.

Chandster said...

word. i agree. lets make an instruction manual

Chandster said...

okat raise your hand if you checked the links.

tiffanie said...

i clicked on them. that's a lot of links. good work. the girl in the crazy outfit is, of course, my fav.