Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

no accent, so sad

This is my roommate Suzanne. She is from Texas and thinks she should have a southern accent but she doesn't. I too am from the south and I too have no accent. I wish Suzanne didn't have to fake her accent and could just speak normally with a southern accent. Poor Suzanne.


jo portnoy said...

I miss my southern california accent. I like totally miss it, I'm like, sad or something. tootles.

mmm... said...

No, this is good. You guys can pick up any accent you want! You're free from the tyranny of just one accent, and can mix and match. I think Suzanne needs a New York Indian from England accent. And Chandler needs a Pennsylvania Dutch-German-Ghanan accent. Meanwhile, I'm stuck tahking like this:

Hey, it's Nomah! HEY NOMAH!!! Ah you retahded? Drive the cah ovah theah so we can talk to Nomah!


Chandster said...

I have to be honest. I actually was with her and we were both speaking in southern hick accents for most of the night

blake said...

my minnesotan comes back to haunt me at the most inappropriate moments