Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


My friend Konni is having a baby! I'm sure most of you who read this blog know this already since I just mentioned it a few post back. But she's now having it really soon. Gabe is due on the 3rd of April. In fact he's SSOOO big right now that she's going to be induced if she hasn't gone into labor before that. None of us can believe that our friends are old enough to start having babies. Just seems crazy I mean just meer years ago our biggest concerns were I think he's cute but he doesn't know I'm alive and I hope I get an A on that test and I have two days to finish that paper that was assigned last month. My how the times they have changed. YAY BABY!

1 comment:

Chandster said...

no i called to offer my sympothy b/c that loss really screwed with my brackets. very sad :(