Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Monday, March 20, 2006

March Maddness

So I don't know how many of you have been watching march maddness but I have gotten hooked on it this year. I don't normally watch it, at least not consistantly, but for some reason this year I have been following it. Maybe it has to do with the fact tha LSU IS STILL IN IT! At one time LSU basketball was a power house but it's been a while. But how about that LSU v A&M game I mean 1 pt with only 3.9 secs left that's crazy. And who in a million years had brackets that foresaw UNCs loss to GMU. And the Hoyas take down THE Ohio State University. Placing two schools from my area in the sweet 16 and also giving GMU a home court advantage considering the next games will be played at the MCI center here in DC. So who takes it all? Duke? UConn? Memphis...yeah right. I go with UConn.

1 comment:

blake said...

Mason will win versus Wichita State, but they will probably struggle in the next round. I think they can beat Washington if they play their hearts out, but Connecticut is going to be too intimidating.

Elite Eight isn't bad though.