Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Friday, August 03, 2007


So, I didn't break anything but I came close enough.

I sprained my pinky and injured and bruised the left side of my hand by trying to put my hand into an ice machine and get some ice broken up. Most of my hand went into the machine, but my pinky chose to stay out and bend not only backwards but also far to the side. Then I got to spend 4hours in urgent care to have a little kid dr. tell me he was going to put tape on it and the I should take pain medication. Well, at least I know it's not broken.
Things that are now hard to do:
type, get dressed, pour milk, shower (can't get it wet), drive

You can not believe how stinkin much you use you pinky opn your left hand. And I'm not even left handed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...
