Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone! I seriously can't believe that it's spring and Easter and the 4th month of 2007. I feel as though I blinked and here I am a third of a way through the year. Amazing.
Well, it's been a big week for me. Here's some highlights...

I officially became a VA resident this week. I now have a VA drivers licence and VA plates for my car. I also got all the fluids changed in my car which may not be that big of a deal to some of you but I hadn't done it in who knows when and so I knew it was more than time to do it again.
I got a big kid bed. Yay big kid! Most of you probably don't know but I've been sleeping on a loft bed for the last almost three years. And now I have a full sizes bed that I don't have to climb 5feet up in the air to get in to.
I also got some other new furniture for my room and built it all and set it up. Basically completely changing my room.
I took care of two awesomest doggies, Jimmy and Holly. And we learned how to go outside with out leashes as well as how to stay alone in the house with out destroying everything.
I also worked a full week that was super busy including three day trips and meetings out the wazoo. And I don't mean Washington State University. I am refering to the wazoo as in behind.
It's been an incredible week with tons accomplished, I'll be glad to go home and rest for a bit this coming week in Louisiana. Yay family. Yay trips home. Yay not cold weather. Yay the returning of friends.

Have a great Easter!


Ruhiyyih Rose said...

I am glad that you cleared that up about the Wazoo thing, I am a huge WSU fan! :) Squeeze those doggies for me! :) Super fun dogs.

Cupcake said...

Thanks for the clarification about Wazzu...I never questioned your loyality to WSU.

It sounds like you have been keeping yourself busy. Remember to relax also.

blake said...

welcome to virginia. now you get to pay virginia property taxes, have virginia vehicle inspections, hope your car passes virginia emissions tests, and pay virginia state, county, and city taxes every year from here on out. they love their residents.

yay for new furniture, although i liked the loft setup.

jo portnoy said...

Big kids sleep in big kids beds. so do ninjas.