So as Jen mentioned in the past comments... Today was my first day at Ebenezers Coffee House at NCC. It was a completely nuts experience. First off I had to get up a little before 6:00am. That's so freakin early. Then had to hop the metro to make it out to Ebs by 7:30am. It was fun and thrilling but so intense. Very baptism by fire. I didn't really have any training and this morning was so incredibly busy. There was a consistent flow of people from the minute I arrived until I left at noon. It was fun to be behind the scenes of something I go to all the time. There's a lot that goes on back there. Including "secret" passages and stairs. Well, maybe they aren't really secret but I didn't know they were there. Also funny to me story, one of the girls I was working with tried to count out one of registers close to a dozen times but every time someone came in and I told them the price out loud she'd lose count. It was so funny to me. She say 75 and I'd say $1.54 and she'd say 55. It was totally making me crack up. It was good times had by all. Although I am really going to have to get used to this schedule because I am completely exhausted.
You go girl! When do you work, so I can come in and order something crazy?
I'm glad that you're first day went well if crazy!
Good job, early worker. Do you like coffee? What do you order if you order something off the menu? Do you make it yourself or do you make funny counting girl make it?
I don't make anything myself yet. All I do is run the cash register. But yes counting girl would make it. She's a big pro.
It was so great to see you there on Monday and hear your booming Chandler laugh from behind the counter. You are a great addition to Ebs!
can I order coffee and pay for it in pesos?
Can you FedEx me a coffee to China? Ebs might not have a policy on that yet, but I think you should encourage it. You know, globalization and all...
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