Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Denver Pictures as Promised

Here are some pics from Denver. These are my sisters two Labs: Bronson, the black one, and Freita, the blonde one. And that's my sister at the bottom. Hi Jenny!


tiffanie said...

we were in denver too. don't worry, we got in to town with no problems last week and out of town on friday with few problems... my dad emailed almost our entire church with the play-by-play. apparently it's "the more the merrier" when it comes to praying against bad weather. good thing we were all praying for the same thing!

blake said...

Yes, our only problem was the rental car that got stuck in the snow for about 45 minutes. Fortunately that was about 9 hours before we actually took off from Denver, so everything was okay.

Can't believe how nice the weather is in VA though!