When I looked at this, all I saw was a picture and the words "up. That's nice."
I was beginning to see you walking around in DC, stopping a tourist by the Smithsonian and saying, "Hey, you know what's really nice? Up."
It might be a cool podcast, like some random psychology experiement to see how people will react. Will they look up? Will they give you a disgruntled "Down," and walk away? Will they ask you what the initials U.P. stand for, such as United Postalworkers? Uvula Prosthetics? Unicorn Prominades?
Birthday: Dec 19
Birthplace: New Orleans, LA
Occupation: Singer
Favorite Color: Green
I was one of the biggest stars of the early MTV era, selling five million copies of my debut album. As well as scoring a string of four Top Ten hits from the record.
When I looked at this, all I saw was a picture and the words "up. That's nice."
I was beginning to see you walking around in DC, stopping a tourist by the Smithsonian and saying, "Hey, you know what's really nice? Up."
It might be a cool podcast, like some random psychology experiement to see how people will react. Will they look up? Will they give you a disgruntled "Down," and walk away? Will they ask you what the initials U.P. stand for, such as United Postalworkers? Uvula Prosthetics? Unicorn Prominades?
I love lamp.
Are you just looking at things in the room and saying you love them?
I love laaammp!
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