Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

You know what's nice?

When you're sleeping and it's raining and you don't have to go anywhere and then it's all sunny the next morning when you have to get up. That's nice.


blake said...

When I looked at this, all I saw was a picture and the words "up. That's nice."

I was beginning to see you walking around in DC, stopping a tourist by the Smithsonian and saying, "Hey, you know what's really nice? Up."

It might be a cool podcast, like some random psychology experiement to see how people will react. Will they look up? Will they give you a disgruntled "Down," and walk away? Will they ask you what the initials U.P. stand for, such as United Postalworkers? Uvula Prosthetics? Unicorn Prominades?

jo portnoy said...

I love lamp.

Chandster said...

Are you just looking at things in the room and saying you love them?

jo portnoy said...

I love laaammp!