Post on my blog...
Make phone calls...
Read Building Church Leaders and Protrait of a Leader...
Answer the phone and redirect the call because I don't actually have any answers for anyone...
Think about how hungry I am...
Play with the height of the chair...
Put postits on things for my boss to look at later...
Mess around with the video camera and then get frustrated because I forgot one stupid little thing and I can't do what I want and need to do with it and so the tape has to stay full because I can't pull anything off of it...
Wonder if it's going to rain...
Answer the phone in the middle of my post. Hello I'm posting here...
Send an email to someone to see if he can figure out why this word document is in Japanese...
Think about how much my finger hurts (I sliced it open yesterday)...
Think about my soar muscles and that I need to work out more...
Look at my shrek bandaid...
Think about how good shrek was...
Think that I may want to see the new Cars movie by Pixar...
Look at our budget...
Look at some support raising things...
Stop everything to go the restroom...
Think about how incredibly quiet it is here...
Wonder why my boss went to a meeting that she said would probably be very short and yet 1 and 1/2 hours later she still hasn't come back...
when did you get a job?
Gee you are SSSOOOO FUNNY. Jo is sooooo funny.
I'm still laughing out loud with myself. wow I'm funny.
I laugh out loud at you too. I mean with you.
ohhh burn.
Your boss is super cool.
And hot.
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