Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Weather or Not

Okay so I realize that the weather above is not the right one but it is for what I'm going to talk about. Which is the stupid weather here in DC. Now I don't want to out right complain and complain being that it's not like it's 108 degrees here like it is where my friend lives, but it is still messed up. See, I'm from the deep south where summer temps begin in march or april. By the middle of may people are swimming. Now, I don't miss the sweltering heat for long but when it's 80 one day and 50 the next and then 70 less than 24 hours later, things are getting out of control. Today I am wearing a sweatshirt but I really shold have the AC on and be hidding from the heat. Doesn't the earth no that summer is right around the corner...literally. Seriously Summer lives over on Elm St. right around the corner. Anyway, the point is that I'm tired of these nutso temps and ready for some real summer weather. I want to go swimming and be able to stand outside at night and not have to wear a longsleeve shirt. If I get any whiter I may be ghost like pretty soon.


mmm... said...

hate to break it to you, but summer isn't here for a month and a half. Spring has set up shop, and ain't goin' nowhere fast. Isn't it funny that nowhere can be "no where" or "now here"?

jo portnoy said...

I love how awkward awkward is. It's spelled and sounds like it's meaning. Is there a name for that? someone ask Ellen.

KendiT said...

Don't you just love spring? Apparently they opened the pool at my Gram's house this week, so this weekend its open for business, YEA!

blake said...

I can't say Ellen without coughing. Weird, isn't it?