Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Adventures in Metro Land

So I have a really random story to share today about something that I noticed on the metro today and I think in general I would not see in other places. So I was on my way home on the metro from union station today and I was riding right next to an obviously homeless woman. She had uncombed, unwashed hair. Her nails were very dirt. She smelled of liquor. She was wearing several shirts and had plastic bags with her. But here was the thing that struck me...she was reading the paper. Not only that but she was reading the washington post from today. Not only that, and I double checked this, she was reading the business section. HA! Too Awesome.
Oh and on a even more totally random note...Have you guys seen those cingular commercials where the calls get droppped and the conversation gets completely ruined? The one where the guy calls and thinks she doesn't like him and so he says, you like we had a brother sister connection. Well, this new one where the lady calls her husband to tell him they are pregnant and they drop the call KILLS ME. Those commercials are so painful for me. I can barely watch them. And this new one is by far the worst. Seriously? Uuuhhhgggg. Can I get an AMEN?!


blake said...

Yeah, I like the one where the guy calls his future father in law. They shortened it in recent clips, but it's still funny.

Maybe the woman was an advanced sociology student and she's studying how people react to a down-and-outer reading the newspaper. The clothes and smell are all part of the show.

tiffanie said...

seriously... when you stop hearing the other person, your first assumption is that janky cingular dropped the call. duh. or you say, "can you hear me now?"

jo portnoy said...

I don't understand, I don't watch TV.