Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Totally Random of Randomness

Okay this is totally random but it's an obersavtion I have...
If you just a word or a phrase to the end of any thought, email, sentence, story, etc., it can totally change the entire meaning or level of seriousness of what ever it is you are trying to communicate. Example would be that I have a super duper bestest friend forever ever and I am always ending emails and stories, not like every time or even every week but enough, with "and then we made out". It's a total lie and doesn't fit with the rest of what I was saying, but it works. It totally cracks me up every time I write or say it and she totally cracks up every time she hears it or reads it. Just think...

Dear Blankety Blank,
Today was a horrible day. I got in so much trouble with my boss. I totally forgot to tell him about this appointment he had. I wrote it down but he never saw the note. So it wasn't completely my fault but I guess I should've pointed it out. I'm going to lose my job and my family will probably starve in the streets. My boss yelled at me for 3 hours and then fired me. And then we made out.

What do you think? Does it work? Try it. It adds a little something.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Virgina Tech Chi Alpha

Hi all,
I just wanted to share a little something that I just read from Stefa's blog. A few of you have asked if VT is part of our Chi Alpha district. It's not. But we do have a Chi Alpha there, since we are a national organization. This is an update letter that Stefa posted from the XA directors there on the campus and VT. It's an interesting perspective and offers something that's been lacking...HOPE. Good read. Please enjoy and feel free to pass along the hope.

First Day

So as Jen mentioned in the past comments... Today was my first day at Ebenezers Coffee House at NCC. It was a completely nuts experience. First off I had to get up a little before 6:00am. That's so freakin early. Then had to hop the metro to make it out to Ebs by 7:30am. It was fun and thrilling but so intense. Very baptism by fire. I didn't really have any training and this morning was so incredibly busy. There was a consistent flow of people from the minute I arrived until I left at noon. It was fun to be behind the scenes of something I go to all the time. There's a lot that goes on back there. Including "secret" passages and stairs. Well, maybe they aren't really secret but I didn't know they were there. Also funny to me story, one of the girls I was working with tried to count out one of registers close to a dozen times but every time someone came in and I told them the price out loud she'd lose count. It was so funny to me. She say 75 and I'd say $1.54 and she'd say 55. It was totally making me crack up. It was good times had by all. Although I am really going to have to get used to this schedule because I am completely exhausted.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

When Email Attacks

Ok so I have to tell you that a lot of odd things have happen to me on my computer. Such as it freezing with no reason. Or crashing with out warning. Or my email randomly kicking me off and making me sign back in even right in the middle of writing an email. Or my computer beeping uncontrolably. But this is a new one.

When Email Attacks... It was a sunny day outside. It started out cool but not cold. As the day grew warmer Chandler went around her day as normal. She did things such as make some phone calls, look for a new doctor, and check her email. And that's when it happened. I was never expecting it. It came out of no where. Email attacked me. That's right. Emails were attacking me. I got 12 of the exact same email from the same person all in a matter of about 5 mins. As I lay there attacked all I could think about was my family and loved ones and I think it was the only thing that pulled me through. I'm recovering now but I never want to go back to that place. Soooo Scary.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Happy Tax Day everyone. Well, you Americans. Anyone wondering why they weren't due yesterday? Well, I'll tell you.
The municipality of Washington, D.C., celebrates April 16 as Emancipation Day. On that day in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation Act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia. The Act freed about 3,100 enslaved persons in the District of Columbia nine months before President Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation which presaged the eventual end of slavery to the rest of the nation. The District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act represents the only example of compensation by the federal government to former owners of emancipated slaves.
In Texas, Emancipation Day is celebrated on June 19. It commemorates the announcement in Texas of the abolition of slavery made on that day in 1865. It is commonly known as Juneteenth.
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico celebrates Emancipation Day on March 22. It's an official holiday.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone! I seriously can't believe that it's spring and Easter and the 4th month of 2007. I feel as though I blinked and here I am a third of a way through the year. Amazing.
Well, it's been a big week for me. Here's some highlights...

I officially became a VA resident this week. I now have a VA drivers licence and VA plates for my car. I also got all the fluids changed in my car which may not be that big of a deal to some of you but I hadn't done it in who knows when and so I knew it was more than time to do it again.
I got a big kid bed. Yay big kid! Most of you probably don't know but I've been sleeping on a loft bed for the last almost three years. And now I have a full sizes bed that I don't have to climb 5feet up in the air to get in to.
I also got some other new furniture for my room and built it all and set it up. Basically completely changing my room.
I took care of two awesomest doggies, Jimmy and Holly. And we learned how to go outside with out leashes as well as how to stay alone in the house with out destroying everything.
I also worked a full week that was super busy including three day trips and meetings out the wazoo. And I don't mean Washington State University. I am refering to the wazoo as in behind.
It's been an incredible week with tons accomplished, I'll be glad to go home and rest for a bit this coming week in Louisiana. Yay family. Yay trips home. Yay not cold weather. Yay the returning of friends.

Have a great Easter!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Totally Awesomest Radical Pictures Ever Ever

So Ellen Degeneres does this segment on her show called Best Pictures Ever but they are really some of the silliest and worst pictures you have ever seen that viewers send in. And it got me thinking that I have a few pictures like that so here's a taste of some totally awesomest radical pictures ever ever.