Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What's up

So this past weekend was Chi Alpha's Winter Conference. Many of you were praying for it so I thought I'd offer a little info about what went down. It was the largest retreat we've ever had. There were 340 people there. We were overflowing and had to actually get a couple of hotel rooms to for the extra people. Awesome! Dick Foth was our speaker and he really hit the nail on the head on felt. He spoke about who God is and who he wants to be in our lives. It was really powerful. It was kind of a back to basic time. Dick told some really amazing stories both funny and moving. As far as weather goes it was also really freezing cold but unlike last year when we got about 2 feet of snow it stayed dry just way cold. Also I was way lucky to have Jen there for almost the whole time. As well as Kendi and Theresa helping out on Friday night for registration. What a blessing. Thanks for all who were praying.

Then this week I was supposed to be out of town all week, however, the ice and snow caused me to cancel at least part of my work plans.

But what I'm currently looking forward to is this coming weekend. That's right! This weekend I am headed home for Mardi Gras. I haven't been down to New Orleans for Mardi Gras in 3 years now. But before those 3 years I had never missed a Mardi Gras in 23 years. Seriously my first Mardi Gras I was at I was only 4 months old give or take a few weeks. Should be lots of fun and I'm also really excited to take Jen down with me. Woo Hoo! Mardi Gras weekend!


Jen said...

WOOO HOOO! That was for the great retreat weekend (I was blessed by everyone there) and for this upcoming weekend that I get to spend with Chands, her friends and family. It was really great to see up-close what Chands does for her job. She had a ton of responsibility and played a huge role in making that retreat happen. Good job Chands! I'm impressed and know that she will be blessed because of all the lives she impacts with her behind-the-scenes work. :)

jo portnoy said...

I went to Mardi Gras once, once was enough. haha.

you twos best not be getting any beads.

Chandster said...

that's not how you get beads jo. and you went to the wrong mardi gras. you didn't know what you were doing and went to the tourist areas. once is not enough and it makes me sad you have such a bad view. I'm gonna change your mind through Jen.

Rachelle said...

I miss XA retreats like whoa! Just thought I'd share...

mmm... said...

Something looks different. Did you change your bangs? Are you wearing a new shirt? Hmmm, no... It's like your blog is the same, but also different at the same time it's the same. If that makes any sense.

jo portnoy said...

it's like it is the same, but different. I think it's the bangs.

bang bang bang.

Jen said...

Bang Bang Bang.

I miss rachelle!

Rachelle said...

I'm sure you'll get over it. ;-)

Rachelle said...

Er, I mean...I miss you too! :)

jo portnoy said...

bang bang bang,

Are you twos back yet or what? Did you see the mobster in the parade?

Chandster said...

we're back! We missed Tony. We were too late to see him. But we got lots of goodies and funness. Jen is sick but we still had a really awesome time.

bang bang bang