Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Monday, November 06, 2006


So Ellen got a new piano. Well, I shouldn't say new because the piano is actually really old. But it's classically old as opposed to crappy old which would be bad. Why would you ever by something that was crappy old? Or actually why would you buy something that is crappy in the first please. Oh actually I noticed that a lot of people buy crappy cars because they are cheap. They shouldn't but they do anyway. So I guess that's the only thing that is kind of okay to buy crappy old. But that doesn't mean it's right or safe or smart. I'm just saying. Anyway my point is...

What was I talking about? Oh Ellen got a new old piano. It's from the 1800s. It stands up right. Which is surprisingly called an up-right piano. Anyway it was just delivered today and it weighs about a ton, literally. The men who brought it to the house were actually afraid that the stairs wouldn't hold them and the piano at the same time, but they chose to risk their lives to bring us the joy of music. And you'll never guess what happened on the way up the stairs. Well, actually nothing happened. Hmm...that wasn't very interesting.

Anyway so now Ellen has been playing the piano all night long. She's good but it is not even Thanksgiving yet and she has played mostly Christmas carols. NO MORE CHRISTMAS CAROLS ELLEN! But what can you do?

Ahh music.


Anonymous said...

I've come to bear witness that Ellen played many things outside of Christmas Carols; she played contemporary Christmas music as well. :-)

Seriously, Yay for music!

Rachelle said...

Remember how we listend to Christmas carols while carving Halloween pumpkins? Yeah, your house is just confused. You should definitely have an all holiday party soon! :)

Chandster said...

why not saturday?

Jen said...

I'm a huge fan of the huge old piano. When you have the party, I'll bring my tap shoes. I'm good at making useless noise.

tiffanie said...

jen has cool shoes.