Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Friday, July 14, 2006

A Post for Courtney

Look pictures of Courtney!
Yesterday was her birthday. I wanted to make sure everyone knew. I think she looks pretty good for 80. Man, Courts what ever you're doing keep it up.


jo portnoy said...

now there is a pretty lady. nice glasses.

blake said...

traces of my camera . . .

I'll be 80 one day and still finding them.

Jen said...

I love those glasses (this is Jen, by the way). Courtney needs to move here so we can wear those glasses all the time!

Chandster said...

jen do you really think I don't know who schmoop dogg is? silly jen

stefachap said...

Courtney lied about her age. She's really 85. She told me not to tell...