Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Going to Denver...Hopefully

Well, it's finally here. Tomorrow I hope to go out to Denver and head into wedding chaos of my sister. I say hope to because it is raining like crazy out here. Lots of flooding and mudslides and water and more water. Honestly it really hasn't affected me personally that much except that I'm trapped inside and it's dark outside a lot. I guess I've been lucky. But I am crossing my fingers that I will have no trouble getting out tomorrow. Woo Hoo Denver!


stefachap said...

Did you get there?

blake said...

Have fun. Say hi to my relatives if you see them. They look like me.

mmm... said...

Happy wedding. Nice shoes.

Chandster said...

We got it done didn't we. Jenny and Steve are married.