Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So Much To Do...

So the last couple of weeks have been some what of a whirl wind and honestly I feel as though all of February 2006 has just flashed by. I can’t believe that March starts next week. Crazy! For a while there I was pretty busy with the Winter Retreat for Chi Alpha that we had in WV. It was awesome. It was the largest retreat/conference we have ever had in this area, over 300 people. And we worked on it for months in advance to try and make sure everyone had beds, food, name tags, rides, etc.
Then you’d think that things would slow down after such a big retreat but in fact we jumped right into another conference. RUIB…What’s that you ask? It’s a conference that we are going to try in Baltimore where some Chi Alpha folk are going to get together and offer some training to some local pastors so that they can reach out to a campus near them. Yay Baltimore Pastors! It’s awesome that so many churches in the Baltimore area have decided it’s time to reach their campuses and are dedicated enough to take time out or their schedules to learn the best way to reach their students. Baltimore is a major city with no Chi Alpha’s but the church is there and so is the heart. Look out Baltimore…Here comes Chi Alpha!
Then my personal life has also been a little nuts lately. One reason is that my sister is getting married! That’s right Jenny is getting married. We are all very excited but she has been just running around being so busy with everything as the date (July1) rushes closer and closer. Second my mom and dad have been all over the place. Mostly because our house in New Orleans is finally getting all fixed up after Hurricane Katrina. I know Katrina seems like it was years ago but we are actually part of the lucky few that are getting into the fixing part. Too many are still just in the cleaning up part and are no where near the fixing and moving back in. But since the house is being pretty much redone from head to toe, my mom and dad have been living in a corner of one room. Often times the phone has been unplugged and the internet down and they have been almost impossible to get in touch with the last few weeks.
Finally, the main reason it’s been nuts has been that one of my closest friends is on her way out of the country. Obviously she’s not on a train or plane literally right now headed out of the country but she is getting ready to leave for a year to go to Afghanistan. Surprised by the place? Well, let me explain. She’s in the US Air Force. That should help a little. But I knew that already and I was definitely caught off guard when she called me one day and told me she was being deployed. Here’s the thing I’ve come to realize the military is military and sometimes they just have to go. And we just have to support them when they do. Seems simple enough. Our troops are important and they have always been to our way of life and for keeping that true I thank them and I pray daily for their safety. My friend Jo (as you can see there on the right she's very intimdating) has a great opportunity with this deployment and I am excited for her. Although she’s still physically here I already miss her and can’t wait until she comes back next year. Just you wait Jo; we are going to have one heck of a 25th Birthday Party for you when you get back.
Anyway, just thought I’d catch you all up on my life. Hope this helps.
Peace Out.


stefachap said...

good stuff.

mmm... said...

I totally just realized from whence the interests in your profile came. Amazing. I stand amazed. Alas, poor JS... But maybe it's for the better. Also, he never added me as a friend, which makes me sad.
Also, great post. Thanks for the insight in Chandlerland. Topsy Turvy indeed.