Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Chansy Pansy

So, I have a friend...we'll just call her Chen Jarron...and she has taken to calling me Chansy Pansy. I don't know why. But I did some research on the pansy. Here's what I found: The pansy is a delicate looking flower often with a "face." The pansy is quite durable and a "flower for all seasons." Pansies are growing in gardens during the winter in the South or Southwest and during the summer in the North. The fragrant and edible blooms are desirable in gardens. Pansy popularity increases possible due to its ease of growing. Whether grown from seed or bedding plants, pansies are relatively disease and pest free blooming prolifically for the gardener's enjoyment. Sounds like me. Don't you think?


blake said...

We went to Deadwood, SD once, and the restaurant we stopped in served spicy bbq wings and edible flowers. I don't know if they were pansies, but they certainly were an odd fit to the place. I never could get over the fact that I was eating something I shouldn't be (such is if I were trouncing through my elderly neighbor's garden), and so I had trouble finishing my flower. My brother dug right in.

jo portnoy said...

many flowers are edible, roses are. flowers make salads look beautiful.

Chandster said...

So what you're saying is that whenever I'm sitting in salad, then I make it look beautiful?

Ok, thanks.