Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

5 Things I Would Be

Top Five Things I Would Be If I Could ACTUALLY Be and Do and Anything

1. A superhero with a secret idenity. I'd be your average person who seemed to be nothing special. I'd have little part time jobs that paid the bills and abilities unmatched in fighting, speed, and stength.
2. Best friends with some super famous like bozo the clown.
3. In charge of a major film production company.
4. A tree that could get up and walk around and dance and sing really pretty.
5. A wall of a house that has lots of people who move in and out over the years and the whole time I got to watch and listen and listen and watch and then one day when I was very old I'd write a famous book about all that I watched and listened to and it would be really popular and it'd be called If these walls could talk but not like the movie which is dark and about HIV I think and then later paramont or somebody would buy the rights to the movie but they'd have to rename it so that it didn't get confused with the other movie that I just mentioned and people would really love it and they'd all say, "Wow" and I'd be so popular and they'd make me into a museum and everyone would come and see me and all the kids would come through and be loud and rude and say things like "why are we looking at a dumb old wall" and finally I'd get really tired of it all and just snap and yell, "be quiet?" and everyone would be shocked becuase I'm a wall and walls can't talk or write for that matter. HMM?


jo portnoy said...

I would be a cat. Probably a dirty one because I wouldn't want to lick myself.

jo portnoy said...

Hey Chandler,
Remember when I hit your car?
that was awesome.

Chandster said...


Do you remember when you hit my car and I got out and we had a huge fight and everyone watched and pointed and there were broken bones and black eyes.
That was cool.

jo portnoy said...

no. I don't remember that. You sit on a throne of lies.

Anonymous said...

ya nut...you rival my weirdness!

Chandster said...

There's no way zec you will always hold that title :)