Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Last video for the week...I promise

I know this is the 3rd video I've posted on my blog this week. But this is one of the funniest videos I have EVER seen. I laughed out loud. And then I watched it again and laughed more.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Okay this is a video I made. The song in it is Mad Mad World from the Donnie Darko soundtrack by Michael Andrews. I'm not trying to make any statement or anything like that. I just wanted to make a video. Although I do think it probably reflects a little bit of my mood lately. If that makes any sense at all. All the shots are from DC. Mostly around union station and Ballston. Thanks for traveling with me Kendi. It took me a few weeks to get everything all together but just 2 days to put the video all together. The idea has been hanging out waiting on me for some time. She doesn't know this, but thanks Jen for helping me come up with this idea. Take from this what you will.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I did not call a plumber

This morning a man came to my door. It was much too early and my brain was not all there. First off I was still asleep so he had to knock on the door or rather I should say bang on the door twice before I got up. Not thinking I just opened the door with out finding out who it was. My thought was, "opps that was dumb." It was a plumber. I was so annoyed because I knew no one had called a plumber and this could not be right. I'm sure my face gave my feeling of annoyance away. He then added to my aggravation because he thought it would be a great idea to call me little lady every time he refered to me. I asked him what he wanted and then I also noticed that he had parked in my driveway. My aggravation level only rised as he then continued to call me little lady and explain to me that I had in fact called a plumber and that I should have known he was coming so early. We then actually stood there basically arguing on whether or not I had called a plumber. Something I feel I may have known had I actually done it. And finally, I kid you not, he became annoyed as well, because I wouldn't let him in and he ACTUALLY asked me if the man of the house was home. In my brain I then pushed him backwards down the stairs behind him. In reality I laughed ackwardly and told him and that we don't want a plumber so go away. We then came around to him reading from his notes and he said to me, "Is this not 1234 (my house number)?". I said, "yes it is". And he said, "And this is Edison Street." (he actually stated it like fact) And I said, "Wrong". And closed the door. I feel as though I won.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


This is a video made by a little girl who's only 14. It's really interesting. And listen carefully because there some really cool and eerie things being said.

And yes I know I need to make a new video because it's been a while. So just to let you know there is one coming.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Know What's Coming Next?

I can't believe it either but apparently Thanksgiving has actually come and gone and so we are now thrusted into the chaos of the Christmas season. YAY!

I'm happy because I jumped on top of things last week and did all my Christmas shopping early. But I know a number of people who went shopping yesterday on Black Friday. Once I did that twice. Twice I did that once.

And you know what the best thing about christmas getting closer and closer...my birthday is also getting closer and closer. I will be 21. Finally I will able drive. I will be able to vote. I will be able to go to the store alone. I will be able to join the military. I will be able to no longer have a babysitter. I will be able to get a job. I will be able to get married again. I will be able to smoke. I will be able to drink. I will be able to sleep. I will be able to swim. I will be able to make jewelry. I will be able to be queen of france. I will be able to ride dolphins. I will be able to drive a truck. I will be able to go to mars. I will be able to do push ups.

I'm really looking forward to this birthday and Christmas Season.
Hope you all had a pleasent thanksgiving. I know I did even with my babysitters.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

3 Random Facts About Me

My favorite color is green. Kind of like an army/olive green not a neon or puke green. Those are not my favorite colors.

Sometimes I talk to myself out loud with out noticing until I disagree with what I have just said. And then I laugh cause I'm arguing...with myself...out loud.

One of my favorite things to eat, that is really really weird, is cream cheese on a tortilla. Which I almost NEVER get to eat because it's as about as healthy as eating a bowl of lard...with a tortilla.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

An Update for A Friend

I have a friend who doesn't understand updates on blogs that seem to have no point so in honor of that I will now write an update...

today i woke up and was still tired so i just stayed in bed and started reading. then i got bored and started writing in my journal (one of many). then i went back to sleep for a few hours. then i got up and did nothing. then i went downstairs to do nothing. then i ate. then i watched a movie on lifetime. it was sad. then i had a text conversation with someone. then i took a shower and changed clothes because my other close were wet from taking a shower. then i went out. and i talked on the phone to my mom. then i went to church. then i watched a movie thing that was funny. then i came home. then i watched a comedian. then i wrote a blog.

...that has no point.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

You're Invited

Guess what? You are invited to the best Christmas party EVER! There will be appetizers, super decorations, Christmas carols, and mistletoe! Please bring a white elephant gift, $5 or less (think funny and cheap). RSVP and feel free to bring friends!

Our Christmas Party is coming up. It starts at 7pm on Friday Dec 8th. And you're all invited!

Shoot me an email if you want to come. And if you don't know my email then you are not actually invited.

Yay Christmas!

Monday, November 13, 2006

XBox 360 Banned Commercial

This was a commercial made to advertise xbox 360. The idea was jump into the game. Pretty cool idea. I can totally see why it got banned but it's all over the internet so I'm not sure how much good it does to ban something simply from TV. Also personally I think it's a pretty funny ad.

TV Shows

Okay so one of my new favorite things on the internet today is this new idea of offering full tv shows on websites with limited to no commercial interruptions. Unfortunately they are really addictive and sometimes distract me like when I'm going to bed. Okay confession time...I actually ended up staying up until really really late last night because I was watching shows online.

Here's my favorite show channels


Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Summary

Okay so a few of you may have seen the post about the comments on Jen's blog. Well I realize that 38 comments can be tad over whelming and confusing so here's a summary of that conversation...

I said Hi. Kendi said chewbacca. I said shaving and big foot. Kendi said cute, evolution, shaving Jen.
I said shaving connection?. Kendi said question, grandma, bread. I said thrice, words, uxorious. Kendi said great, 35,000 cookies in a lifetime. I said stats, baseball beatles. Jen said post, dictionary. Kendi said cookies, random, chilli. I said God, pool, hurt. Kendi said all the time, I think, 45 stitches in my head. I said never, two year, bronchitos, I-T. Jen said your mom, bronchitis. Kendi said face, ra-i-ain. Jen said RIDICULOUS. I said comments, lame, funny. Kendi said agree, crazy, nurve. Jen said ridiculosity. Jo said ouch, spell, going down. I said ?!, fat neck, staring, thumb. Jo said BURITTO!

I don't see what's so confusing about that but I hope this summary clears everything up.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Some of my favorite Pics

Look Holly made a blog! She's so sweet. I wuv her.

This is such a fun picture to me. We all went to Ebs and saw Justin McRoberts and after we just randomly started taking pictures. Jen and I were not supposed to be in this picture but we added ourselves anyway. We're fun.

This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my friend Jen. We had been running all over DC in a race and we were nearing the end on so many levels.

Pumpkin Pi

You're mom is pumpkin pie.

comments are funny

want to read something funny? go to my friend Jen's blog and read the comments on her last post.

Monday, November 06, 2006


So Ellen got a new piano. Well, I shouldn't say new because the piano is actually really old. But it's classically old as opposed to crappy old which would be bad. Why would you ever by something that was crappy old? Or actually why would you buy something that is crappy in the first please. Oh actually I noticed that a lot of people buy crappy cars because they are cheap. They shouldn't but they do anyway. So I guess that's the only thing that is kind of okay to buy crappy old. But that doesn't mean it's right or safe or smart. I'm just saying. Anyway my point is...

What was I talking about? Oh Ellen got a new old piano. It's from the 1800s. It stands up right. Which is surprisingly called an up-right piano. Anyway it was just delivered today and it weighs about a ton, literally. The men who brought it to the house were actually afraid that the stairs wouldn't hold them and the piano at the same time, but they chose to risk their lives to bring us the joy of music. And you'll never guess what happened on the way up the stairs. Well, actually nothing happened. Hmm...that wasn't very interesting.

Anyway so now Ellen has been playing the piano all night long. She's good but it is not even Thanksgiving yet and she has played mostly Christmas carols. NO MORE CHRISTMAS CAROLS ELLEN! But what can you do?

Ahh music.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Jen first thing in the morning


More Pix

Rick eating before scaring.

Carving with a doggie. The smallest doggie ever.

The gift of dancing.

Halloween Funness

It was a super Halloween holiday. Last night on Halloween I got to be a part of the Sneskos Scarey House. My throat is killing me today from being so scarey last night. I actually popped up out of a "grave" which was actually a tarp. Along with Jen and Ellen. Now I have great stomach muscles. But before that funness we actually had a party at our house. It was a pumpkin carving party. This is a picture of some people standing around chatting it up. I had to post it because Jen just looks so super in midsentence.