Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Hey everyone! So as the new year nears I am getting ready to go to the World Missions Summit. It's a huge conference hosted by Chi Alpha involving students in Missions all over the world. Should be Awesome. Oh and the coolest thing it's in Louisville. How great is that? I mean the last time we had a world wide conference in the states it was only in LA. How lame... Yes Louisville!

Please pray for us and all the students getting ready to attend this confernce.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas at Ebbitt's Grill

Mariam, Jo, and me really happy about eating and of course the tree
The tree that we are really excited about
Mariam more excited then Jo and I
On Friday my parents took a few of my friends out for some dinner in DC. I was also invited.

Christmas at St. Elmos

The Thursday before Christmas there were still more than a couple of us left in town and so we headed out to St. Elmos coffee pub for a little fun and listened to some old men play old school Jazz. There are three pictures below of just a few of us hanging out in the back at the table. YAY! Jo saying, "hmm"
Blake really happy to see Jo saying, "hmm"
Chad thinking about Blake and Jo saying, "hmm"

Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Series of Unfortunate Events

For anyone who may have read some comments on the last blog and are wondering...
Jo did in fact back into my car. I was actually in my car at the time. I was following her so logically one would think that behind her would probably be where I am. BUT no worries both cars were fine. Her little maxima just bounced off my explorer. We decided when getting in accidents with friends, bumper to bumper is best. Also 5 mph or less is also good.
So, you may think that was the best thing and one of the oddest things to happen in the last 2 days but you'd be wrong. Last night my friend Mary thought it'd be fun to lock us down in her basement. HAHA! A few of us went over to Mary's last night and we were down her basement and by accident the door was still locked from earlier and as a result the 4 of us got locked in basement out of the main house. All was well, however, becuase Blake was able to jump through a window after going out the basement door and break back into the main house. Go criminals!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

5 Things I Would Be

Top Five Things I Would Be If I Could ACTUALLY Be and Do and Anything

1. A superhero with a secret idenity. I'd be your average person who seemed to be nothing special. I'd have little part time jobs that paid the bills and abilities unmatched in fighting, speed, and stength.
2. Best friends with some super famous like bozo the clown.
3. In charge of a major film production company.
4. A tree that could get up and walk around and dance and sing really pretty.
5. A wall of a house that has lots of people who move in and out over the years and the whole time I got to watch and listen and listen and watch and then one day when I was very old I'd write a famous book about all that I watched and listened to and it would be really popular and it'd be called If these walls could talk but not like the movie which is dark and about HIV I think and then later paramont or somebody would buy the rights to the movie but they'd have to rename it so that it didn't get confused with the other movie that I just mentioned and people would really love it and they'd all say, "Wow" and I'd be so popular and they'd make me into a museum and everyone would come and see me and all the kids would come through and be loud and rude and say things like "why are we looking at a dumb old wall" and finally I'd get really tired of it all and just snap and yell, "be quiet?" and everyone would be shocked becuase I'm a wall and walls can't talk or write for that matter. HMM?

Time and Dates

Tomorrow is my official birthday, although you wouldn't be able to tell considering that I celebrated on Friday. But here is one of the things I started thinking about...Isn't it amazing how one day can make such a difference. Humans are really hung up on time and dates. Now, don't get me wrong I love birthdays and I think they are important and need to be recgonized. I also think they are super fun and I look forward to mine months in advance. It's just mind boggling to me and yesterday I was not old enough to rent a car but tomorrow that'd be okay. This time 4 years ago I was not allowed in a bar but one day later it's all good. Strange.

Friday, December 16, 2005

A Day

Okay so let me start by saying that today has been a day unlike most. For those of you who don't know I am currently working a part time job (very flexible) with a computer company. All I do is sit in front of this computer that they let me use and crop pictures using photoshop. Yay photoshop!
So, I hesitantly went into this work today because they called me and told me they really needed me to come in. I say hesitantly because I did have other things going on today and I was a tad busy to say the least.
Anyway, I go to this place and it's almost empty. Now, this is not common. I have been here a few times and I have been there at all hours and I have never seen it empty. Well, apparently the Christmas party for the company is going on and most people have already left for it. My boss is, however, still there. He sets up my stuff and tells me that in about 30 minutes I will be in charge of the office because everyone will be leaving. Mind you, I don't really work there. I know nothing about what they do. He tells me not to worry and it'll all be fine.
I have now been at the place working alone for about 1 hour. Suddenly all the lights go out and there's all sorts of clicking noises and all the computers make noise and then everything goes back to normal. Or so I thought. Actually there has been some sort of power surge and the network has shut down in the office. This makes my usual job impossible I call my boss and tell him. He then proceeds to tell me how to check out the network and see if it's really broken. First of all I know next to nothing about computers. Second I DON'T ACTUALLY WORK THERE.
After wondering around trying to find the room where the computer is that can maybe "fix" this network problem I just give up. You'd think I'd go home now, but you'd be wrong. Instead I have been told to scan some things instead because that doesn't need the network.
I have now been at this job for 2 1/2 hours. Soon I will go home. I figure I'll just scan a couple of things and then leave. I start scanning and someone is banging on the door outside (that has been locked for my safety). After 3 hard knocks I go down and it's UPS. The guy has like 10 new computers that he needs to deliver. So, I have to sign for them. Which I do only after calling my boss AGAIN and making sure I can. The poor UPS man has to just leave all the computers in the hall because I don't know where they go.
Finally it's time to go home. I grab all my things and start to head out. Only to have the electricity blink on me again and the only work I had done most of the day (all the scanning) disappears off the screen. Now, I'm not dumb. It was saved but where the folder went, only God knows. It was on the desk top and all the files were open and I was closing it when the blink occurred and the folder disappeared like a sick magic show or a practical joke.
I love my part time job. It never leaves me bored.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I need more sisters

I need more sisters obviously. My comments are not nearly as exciting as jo's. This >>>>>>>>>
is my sister. And her newest member of her family, Freita. I don't know who the girl in the orange shirt is. Only kidding.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Advice for other Bloggers

1. When living in Philidelphia or anywhere for that matter, one should try very hard to avoid be continuously connected to police. For example one should try hard not to have the police called because one has been locked out. Also one should try hard not to wreck cars which in turn is another encounter with the police and so on.

2. When advertising dogs in wishes that they would be thought of as cute and fun and hopes that people would be eager to be around them, one should not refer to the pups as "poop monsters" no matter what you call your sister. But then after seeing these adorable dogs one should not advertising the eating of the poop by the pup. This is unappealing.

3. When throwing a dance party in ones basement, please try hard to make sure that the temperature in that area is not a 120 degrees, otherwise your guest will in fact bake. But do take the advice from the picture here: dancing in a line and or cirlce in a small space is the most perferable and coolest.

4. When holding a small child and or baby one should try and remember that they need support (note the picture on the right). Swinging baby around in circles and/or holding baby by the leg are typically not perferable holding positions.
5. Typically when trying to place something up high, it is a good idea to use a latter of some sort. However, if one is not availible, other people can be suitable and can accomplish the task at hand.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Entrance Only...

Sometimes I wonder about the direction of my life. I honestly am quite often trying to figure out if this where I'm supposed to be or if there is something else. And I know that I'm not the only one. But then something happens and God proves himself to me once again and assures me that this is infact the "right" direction for my life. This weekend and actually the last couple of weeks, God has been doing just incredible things, including making divine appointments and allowing me to be wittness to some very strategic placements. The definition of being stategic according to websters:Important or essential in relation to a plan of action. Something you learn in DC is that there are a lot of people up here who are trying very hard to get power. And of those people there are even more who already have power and are up here just trying to get more. However, it's God who decides who gets what. So, as a result of God being in charge he then in turn place men and women who are on his side in essential places so that His plan can take action. I'm not sure how much sense this makes but all I'm really saying is have faith and be aware that where you work, live, play, or sit right now there is most likely a reason for it. God is a strategic planner and we should be as well.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Birfdays...a dweam within a dweam

Birfdays. Birfdays is what bwings us togethew today. Birfdays that bwessed event, that dweam within a dweam. A little Princess Bride knock off anyone? But seriously. Today I, along with some friends, will be celebrating a friends birthday. He's going to be 25. This is so strange to me. I mean my birthday is just next week, and I too shall turn 25 but it just doesn't seem possible that I have been around long enough to turn that age. Now, don't get me wrong...By no means is 25 super old or even moderately old but it is older than 16 or 21. I don't know about you but I still remember vividly focusing on and looking forward to my sweet sixteen and the opportunity to drive for the first time as well as then looking on towards my high school graduation. Two things that have come and gone but again it doesn't seem possible. Something I have found interesting and have noticed lately about growing up: You used to have these life changing goals that you were aiming towards. IE: Going to high school, making good grades, getting into a good college, working hard, graduating, finding a fitting job, making the most of it all. ECT ECT ECT (yes I wrote etc like ect on purpose). But now my goals are mostly: Today I will go grocery shopping, I will have a party for a friend, I will get out of bed earlier (just today though and then tomorrow I will sleep in). My how your life does change in such a short amount of time.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Clowns are scary

There is some sort of crazy idea that in my job, being that I work with university students, that as the semester closes my job slows down. NOT EXACTLY. Actually it gets pretty intense this time of year with students headed home and people off to vacation and things that need to be planned before everyone comes back in Jan.Then on top of work I am also just really popular. I just can't help it. It's a gift and a curse. I have parties to go to and people to contact and Christmas fun galore. Life is a little nuts right now but somehow people now-a-days have learned one incredible juggling act and have been able to do it all.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

No butt makes it hard to sit

Can you all say freeze your butt off? Oh my gosh! It is so cold up here! The snow that graced us a few days back still lays on the ground due to the low temperatures that persists. However, the sun is melting a bit of it which is causing water to form puddles all over and then the sun goes bye bye and we have lovely iced streets for our walking and driving enjoyment. In case you were wondering I'm not a huge fan of the freezing cold. Being that I didn't grow up with it, it's still a fascination to me but is also a tad uncomfortable. But I must admit I do love the snow. Especially the first few times. It's novel to me. Something I never saw and now I get to walk around and play in it for months at a time. Today was one of those days where never leaving the warmth of your home sounds like a good idea but I have to give it to nature it sure was pretty. Which is good for me because even though it would have been nice to never go out today I did indeed. I worked at Techology. Which is a part time job that I have for the next month or so. It's a fine place. Not terribly exciting work but fine. And I am VERY good at what they have me doing. There are two of us who do what I do for them. And today in 5 hours I did 3X the work that the other guy has done in 3 days. I'm proud of a good job. However, I need to be careful because if I finish everything, then they won't need me any more and I'll be out of a job. Lesson learned here: work slower and less efficient. :) HAHA

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

DC and ME

This is indeed where I live...Washington DC. How cool is it that I live in this super city? It's such a beautiful place and just an incredible place and a great opportunity when I think about it. It wasn't always that way for me, though. I moved here not really feeling it. Know what I mean? Honestly I thought I may have possibly lost my mind when I moved up here. I mean I'm from Louisiana! The For Real South. Today it's almost 60 degrees there and here...well it's not 60 degrees. Try more like 10 and there is snow EVERYWHERE! So, I moved here and I was think I must have lost my mind, but when I discoverd what God was doing up here and how He was going to use me in this area I slowly started to recgonize the beauty that was all around me. God is really incredible. I never would have put myself here but God always had me here I know it and that's the coolest thought of all. And gosh I am honestly gald that he did and that now I get to be here in Washington DC in this super city, beautiful place, and around this incredible opportunity.


I honestly forgot about this. I think it in July that I started this blog as a test. Really was just a passing thought of something I might want to try and months went by before I realized I had never done a single thing with it. In fact I totally forgot about it until last night when someone asked me if I blogged and told her "NO"! I never saw the point in it but then today I was working and looking for a break and searched my self on blog spot and BINGO here I am. My blog is alive and well. Now, will I in fact keep up with this you ask? I don't know, but the thought is it could be fun. In closing I leave you all with this thought:Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he sticks his head out when you're coming home his face might burn up.